Grades & Assignments

Grading: Letter grades are assigned as follows: A: 93-100%, A-: 90-92.9%, B+: 87-89.9%, B: 83-86.9%, B-: 80-82.9%, C+: 77-79.9%, C: 73-76.9%, C-: 70-72.9%, D+: 67-69.9%, D: 63-66.9%, D-: 60-62.9%, F: Below 60.

I will be online daily during the course, and I will make every effort to grade assignments within 48 hours of when they were turned in. Grades will be posted to Blackboard.

Assignments - points (recommended to be completed on this date to stay on track for the course)
Introduce yourself in FB group - 5 (May 22)
Sample files uploaded - 2 (May 22)
Post your URL to class blog - 3 (May 22)
HTML worksheet - 10 (May 23)
CSS worksheet - 10 (May 30)
HTML/CSS quiz - 20 (May 30)
Divs worksheet - 10 (May 31)
CSS Challenge - challenge files- 20 (May 31)
CSS redesign - 20 (June 5)
Wordpress site - 60 (June 11)
Google analytics paper - 20 (June 11)
SEO assignment - 10 (June 11)
Participation (see below) - 10 (June 11)

Class participation: Five percent of your grade will be based on virtual class participation. You are expected to share at least two links related to web design on the class Facebook group and add insightful comments twice on links shared by others.

Cheating: See also the SJMC plagiarism policy. Plagiarism is stealing another person’s work and passing it off as your own. In the real world, it is grounds for dismissal from a job. In the academic universe, any instance of scholastic dishonesty will be reported to school authorities and will result in discipline, up to and including expulsion from the School of Journalism or the university. If quoting another’s work is necessary, plagiarism can be avoided by attributing the words to the original author or rewording. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism, see me.

It goes without saying that you also should not cheat in any way or make up information. Your credibility and trustworthiness are two of the most important qualities you have — as a professional and as a person.

Late assignments: Assignments turned in less than 24 hours late will receive a maximum of 50% credit. After that, they receive zero credit.

Extra credit: There will not be an opportunity for extra credit.

Accommodations: If you have a disability and will require academic accommodations in this course, I would be happy to discuss your needs.  Accommodations are coordinated through Student Disability Services at 271-1835.